Interplay between Molecular Conformations and Biological Function (completed)

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In order to understand the functions of biologically relevant molecules it is indispensable to comprehend their conformation and conformational dynamics, i.e. the spatial orientation of the molecules' rotatable bonds at their carbon atoms.

The funding initiative aimed at the interface between chemistry and biosciences: at analyzing, modulating and controlling multiple conformational states in biological systems. A methodological prerequisite for funding was the combination of synthetic chemistry, structural analysis and functional studies.

Details on the scope of this program and how to apply can still be found in the Information for Applicants.

Only full proposals were to be submitted; pre-proposals were not  accepted. Besides research projects, symposia and summer schools might have been funded as well as the exchange of researchers in joint projects.

This initiative was preceded by the funding scheme "Conformational Control of Biomolecular Functions".

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Visit our Grants Database and take a look at projects already supported with this funding offer.