As a private research funding organization, we support researchers with creative ideas aimed at changing the world of science – something we have been doing for more than 60 years now. Our mission: We endow knowledge.

We provide support in four profile areas

Pile of books

Understanding Research

Critically exploring and reflecting on the research system with a view to initiating positive change on areas such as career paths, governance, research and teaching.

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humanoider Kopf einer Maschine

Societal Transformations

Expanding knowledge about processes of transformation and developing possible courses of action together with stakeholders in civil society.

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Hand with compass


Breaking into previously unexplored research territory with unconventional ideas and experimental approaches.

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Schachfigur "Pferd"


Funding program for top-level research in Lower Saxony.

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  • Public event
  • Herrenhausen Late
  • With live stream

Oct. 22, 2024, 08:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Zwischen Promille und Publicity: Was Kommunikation über Alkohol und Sucht ausmacht

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Szene DJ und Publikum in loungiger Atmosphäre
  • Public event

Nov. 09, 2024, 07:30 PM - 09:20 PM

Finale des Debattier-Turniers im Xplanatorium

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Das Bild zeigt Ausschnitte eines klatschendes Publikums.
  • Public event
  • Herrenhausen Science Movie Night

Nov. 15, 2024, 06:00 PM - 09:15 PM

Climate Endgame – radikal, rücksichtslos, gerechtfertigt?

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Das Bild zeigt Aktivist:innen, die auf die Unsinnigkeit der Erschließung von Erdöl in der Nordsee hinweisen.
Tastatur, Kopfhörer, Block, Stift und Kaffeetasse
Event 17. October 2024

Live-Webinar on our funding portfolio

Twice a year - at the beginning of each semester in April and October - the Volkswagen Foundation offers a free, one-hour live webinar in English on the funding portfolio. The next webinar is scheduled for October 23, 2024, 9:30 to 10:30 am.

Funding offer 07. October 2024

Theme Week "The (De)tabooing of Science and Research"

How do taboos emerge in science? What exactly is considered taboo in different fields? And how can these taboos be dismantled? These are some of the questions that will be addressed during the theme week from September 17–19, 2025 in Hannover. Apply now for a scientific symposium, deadline: February 11, 2025.