Illustration with text "Ist das Fair?" (Is it fair?)
Story Feb. 21, 2023

Is it fair? Algorithms and asylum seekers

Europe is experimenting with the application of automated decision-making to manage asylum and migration processes. Researchers in an international project are investigating whether and how the use of algorithms is able to contribute to fairness.

Funding offer Feb. 09, 2023

New funding offer: Circularity with recycled and biogenic resources

The funding line ‘Collaborative projects’ of this initiative is primarily targeted at the natural sciences and engineering. Deadline for application is March 1, 2024. 

Two men and a woman hold a sign with the imprint "zukunft.niedersachsen" into the camera
Funding offer Feb. 08, 2023

Future agenda for science funding in Lower Saxony presented

The title of the new program for the promotion of research and education in Lower Saxony is "zukunft.niedersachsen". Thanks to additional funding of 580 million euros, three future fields are to be massively developed in order to make Lower Saxony visible as a research  location, also internationally.

Illustration mit Mann, der mit der Lupe ein Globus-Modell untersucht
News Dec. 19, 2022

Earth system science as a new leading concept for the geosciences

At a Leopoldina symposium held on December 19, 2022, the Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation Dr. Georg Schütte presented a new funding initiative. Fifty years after publication of the "Limits to Growth" report, the foundation creates a renewed geo-scientific focus on the Earth system as a whole. 

Gruppe von Wissenschaftler:innen im Labor
Video Dec. 14, 2022

Video portrait of Tobias Erb: Artificial photosynthesis

Detail aus einem Labor mit leuchtendem Glaselement
Story Nov. 17, 2022

Artificial Photosynthesis: The decisive step forward

Tobias Erb of the Max Panck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology has reinvented photosynthesis – in the laboratory. His goal is to produce chemical substances with the help of sunlight and carbon dioxide in the air.