Illustration of university life and business life side by side
Story Dec. 02, 2023

Professorship? Not necessarily...

Ines Drefs is fascinated by research – and most of all by the topic of media development assistance. A new position at the interface of science and practice came just in time.

Portrait of a man in front of a dark background
Story Sep. 11, 2023

New climate models for reliable future scenarios

Climate researcher Niklas Boers works on optimizing climate models with the aim to improve predictions about extreme weather events and potential tipping points in the Earth system – out of a deep sense of responsibility for future generations.

Photo from inside a greenhouse
Story Aug. 22, 2023

A protected space for creative and surprising thoughts

What makes a life with science so special, and what framework conditions must be in place to make it possible for universities as our high-performance academic institutions to offer opportunities and fulfillment? A conversation between Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University Frankfurt, and the Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, Georg Schütte – moderated by Christine Prußky.

Eine Frau und ein Mädchen laufen vor einem Mann und einem Jugendlichen durch einen Wald.
Story Aug. 16, 2023

Biodiversity - A family of researchers

In the very large thematic area of biodiversity, Joachim Haug works on very small objects: insect and crustacean larvae. His wife is also an enthusiastic zoologist. So, it's hardly surprising that the passion for research also took hold of their two children at an early age.

Woman leafing through a book
Story Apr. 24, 2023

At the University of Jena, a Ukrainian researcher who fled the war in her country is able to continue her work

Scholar of administration Tetiana Kovalova had to give up her home in Kharkiv – but not her research. She is now in Jena, working on a project to do with post-war reconciliation and conflict transformation. Her work is supported by the Volkswagen Foundation.

Frau in einem Museumsarchiv mit großformatigen Gemälden
Story Apr. 16, 2023

Provenance research: The stories behind the things

Diving into archives, tracing the migration of museum objects through time and contexts – this is how provenance researcher Claudia Andratschke describes her work. A portrait.