News Apr. 05, 2018

Was wird aus dem "March for Science"? 

Von München bis Helgoland demonstrierten letztes Jahr zehntausende Menschen für die Freiheit der Wissenschaft. Am 14. April startet der diesjährige "March for Science" – ohne viel Euphorie. 

News Mar. 20, 2018

"Freigeist-Fellows are not in the mainstream with their research projects" – Interview with the initiatives program directors (1/2)

Since 2014, the Foundation's Board of Trustees has been electing ten to fifteen Freigeist Fellows each year: Young research talents in all disciplines with an extraordinary research idea, who tread new territory and are working at the borders of neighbouring fields or disciplines. What makes a "Freigeist" in the eyes of the Foundation and how can you apply for the fellowship program? Dr. Johanna Brumberg and Dr. Oliver Grewe, program directors of the initiative, answer these questions in our interview.

News Jan. 10, 2018

Artificial Intelligence: New funding initiative established

A new funding initiative of the Volkswagen Foundation aims to promote the responsible development of artificial intelligence systems. Interdisciplinary research consortia in the social sciences and the engineering sciences can apply for up to 1.5 million euro for up to four years. Next deadlines for applications: 

News Nov. 13, 2017

"Globale Bewegungsfreiheit": Opus Primum Buchpreis geht an Plädoyer für offene Grenzen

Mit dem Opus Primum Förderpreis wird alljährlich die beste wissenschaftliche Nachwuchspublikation geehrt. In diesem Jahr erhält der Schweizer Philosoph Andreas Cassee die mit 10.000 Euro dotierte Auszeichnung für sein Erstlingswerk "Globale Bewegungsfreiheit", eine aktuelle Betrachtung von Einwanderungsbeschränkungen, Gerechtigkeitsprinzipien und individueller Selbstbestimmung.

News Sep. 13, 2017

European Foundations Unite to Tackle Global Challenges

Three of Europe's biggest philanthropic foundations have joined together to award 5 million euros to tackle some of the most pressing global challenges of our time: Wellcome Trust, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and Volkswagen Foundation have funded six research groups from across Europe to drive action through cross-border collaboration.

News Jun. 19, 2017

Global Challenges in Focus: European Foundations Generate Incentives for International Research

Climate, migration, global health – the funding initiative "Europe and Global Challenges" supported jointly by Volkswagen Foundation, Wellcome Trust, and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond grants a total amount of 5 million euro for cross-border interdisciplinary projects in the humanities and social sciences.