several wooden cubes with symbols, including a light bulb and a doctor's hat, a cube with the inscription "Fördermittel" (funding)
Interview Jul. 03, 2023

Incentive bonus of 10,000 euros for reviewers

Until June 30, 2024, researchers who participate in peer reviews for the Volkswagen Foundation can receive 10,000 euros in additional funding. Henrike Hartmann and Selahattin Danisman explain the unusual experiment.

A Person showing a picture of a burning house on the smartphone
News Jun. 20, 2023

Support for Ukraine: Preparing for peacetime

Following its initial emergency assistance for Ukrainian researchers who have sought refuge in Germany, the Volkswagen Foundation is now offering support to those who remained in their home country – or want to return there – with two new projects.

Portrait of a man in front of a picture
Interview Jun. 01, 2023

Does Alzheimer's research need to change course?

There is still no cure in sight for Alzheimer's disease. According to Christian Behl, this is partly because research has been following a single lead for the past 30 years – and ignoring others in the process. The biochemist explained his criticism of Alzheimer's research in a conversation with Catherine Newmark that took place in Hanover on 9 June 2023.

Podium mit several people
News Apr. 04, 2023

African scientists create "Knowledge for Tomorrow"

The Volkswagen Foundation launched its research commitment in Africa 20 years ago. Now, the Foundation is inviting its fellows to Naivasha, Kenya, for a future-oriented dialogue.

Several persons in discussion
News Mar. 29, 2023

Supporting Science in Sub-Saharan Africa: On the satisfaction derived from developing solutions

Not only crises caused by political upheavals or famines continue to wreak havoc on societies and communities on the African continent. Gilbert Fokou, a social anthropologist from Cameroon, sees himself as a bridging interface between the people and decision-makers in politics. He is driven by a strong determination to help the very poor. 

large group of people on stairs in front of a white representative building
Interview Mar. 09, 2023

Supporting Science in Sub-Saharan Africa: Knowledge for Tomorrow with Multiplier Effect

The Foundation supported research in sub-Saharan Africa through the funding of fellowships and cooperation projects. In this interview, two of the German coordinators describe their experiences.