News Jul. 07, 2015

Tumor Therapy: New Approaches to Fight Cancerous Diseases

The Lichtenberg Professor Dr. Christian Reinhardt and his team found out that the growth of specific tumors can be prevented by inhibiting two certain enzymes.

Zeros and ones on a blue background.
Event report Mar. 25, 2015

Herrenhausen Conference: "Big Data in a Transdisciplinary Perspective"

On March 25-27, 2015, researchers and international experts met in Hannover for a Herrenhausen Conference on "Big Data".

News Mar. 13, 2015

Call for Abstracts: Meeting of Materials Scientists in Africa

Young scientists who are conducting research in the field of cement and concrete construction technology are called to apply for an expert symposium on June 8 to 12 in Tansania.

News Mar. 10, 2015

Progeny of old parents have fewer offspring

Long-term study in house sparrows shows that offspring of older parents themselves produced fewer young. Such a transgenerational effect is important for the understanding of the evolution of longevity.

News Feb. 24, 2015

Bacteria connect to exchange nutrients

Scientists have discovered a new way of how bacteria can achieve nutritional exchange and published their results of research in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

News Jan. 21, 2015

Set Theory for Immune Cells

Lichtenberg-Professor Dr. Max Löhning and colleagues at the Charité, Berlin, have demonstrated that immune cells can 'remember' numbers. In the future, it may thus be possible to influence the intensity of a specific immune reaction. The results of their study have been published in the current edition of the journal Immunity.