News Mar. 02, 2016

Freigeist-Fellow Researches Social Valuation in Rodents

In his project "The Neural Basis of Social Valuation - the Confluence of Neuroscience, Psychology & Economics" Marijn van Wingerden from the University of Düsseldorf applies a quantitative, interdisciplinary approach to social decision making in rodents to uncover the neural basis of social valuation.

News Nov. 09, 2015

Fight the Lice: Researchers Develop Chemical-free Plasma Comb

Head lice are a annoying evil, which is usually combated with chemical agents and nit combs. Researchers have now developed a plasma comb that kills the parasites without chemicals.

News Oct. 28, 2015

Rana Plaza Disaster: Funding of International Supply Chain Research Project

Two years after the Rana Plaza building collapse, a global research team will examine what changes have occurred in the policies and practices of retailers and brand firms, as well as changes in factory practices in Bangladesh.

News Aug. 18, 2015

What is life? Volkswagen Foundation starts new initiative.

Up to five years of funding for postdocs or integrative joint cooperative projects working at the interface between natural and life sciences. Deadline: March 1, 2016.
News Jul. 28, 2015

Postdocs for Engineering, Social Sciences and the Humanities in Africa

The Foundation grants around 3.8 million euros for African engineers and social scientists. Open call: Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities in Sub-Saharan and North Africa, deadline: Oct. 1, 2015.

News Jul. 15, 2015

Cooperative Research Projects on the Arab Region

Experience of Violence, Trauma Relief and Commemorative Culture: Volkswagen Foundation offers financial support for cooperative research projects focusing on the Arab world. Deadline: September 10, 2015.