Detail aus einem Labor mit leuchtendem Glaselement
Story Nov. 17, 2022

Artificial Photosynthesis: The decisive step forward

Tobias Erb of the Max Panck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology has reinvented photosynthesis – in the laboratory. His goal is to produce chemical substances with the help of sunlight and carbon dioxide in the air.

viele Menschen um einen "Buzzer" versammelt
Story Oct. 05, 2022

Volkswagen Foundation: 60 years of science funding

Germany's largest private science sponsor celebrated its jubilee with many guests: The public was invited to join the big "Festival of Science" at Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover on October 1, 2022.

Speere in einem afrikanischen Weizenfeld
Story Aug. 09, 2022

The challenge of dealing with colonial exhibits

Provenance research contributes towards a new understanding of collecting, researching, preserving, and presenting ethnographic objects. 

Rhine Ruhr Center
Story Jul. 12, 2022

Exploring science communication: The RRC

Disinformation, media fragmentation, instrumentalization of science – how can the facticity crisis be countered? One of the central research questions at the Rhine Ruhr Center for Science Communication Research (RRC).

Header MSCL
Story May. 30, 2022

Exploring science communication: The MSCL

The Munich Science Communication Lab is dedicated to the research topic "Planetary Health", which considers the health of both the planet and its human population.

Header RHET AI Center
Story May. 24, 2022

Exploring science communication: The RHET AI Center

Is it possible to address the topic of artificial intelligence with objectivity and free of emotion? Researchers at the RHET AI Center are investigating the interests and images that shape the social perception and discourse surrounding the technology.